goose hollow foothills league

Pertinent Planning Resources

The Goose Hollow Community Plan, taken together with the Portland Comprehensive Plan, of which it is a part, is the comprehensive plan for that part of the GHFL that is also within Portland's Central City Planning District. (See 1988 and 1996 maps)  A PDC Report done in 2000 includes The study and recommendations on parking and stadium usage.

Community planning is generally implemented by the Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability using Zoning and Design Review tools from the Portland City Code, Title 33 (Portland Zoning Code) and the Central City Fundamental Design Guidelines. Particular guidelines that apply in Goose Hollow, the Goose Hollow Design Guidelines, regulate site and building development tailored particularly to the needs and vision of the Goose Hollow community.  The King's Hill Historic District Guidelines (2001) may also apply. The Goose Hollow Planning Committee uses a worksheet modeled after one originally developed by the Urban Design committee of the Portland AIA chapter to distinguish project design issues in the Goose Hollow sub-district of the "Central City". A similar worksheet derived from the design criteria applied in the Kings Hill Historic District has been developed by the committee.

The Metropolitan Service District (METRO) is engaged in region-wide planning for urban growth, housing, and some regional services.

The Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) publishes state-wide land use planning goals and coordinates local planning efforts in the State of Oregon under provisions of ORS Chapter 197.

Citizen involvement in planning issues is encouraged in Oregon at all levels of government. How to Put the People in Planning was updated in 2019 by the Oregon Citizen Involvement Advisory Committee to be a primer on Citizen Involvement in planning issues in Oregon.

Because transportation issues so heavily affect Goose Hollow, transportation agencies of the City, Portland Department of Transportation, the region, METRO transportation, and the State Oregon Department of Transportation are very important to our neighborhood. The primary transportation planning documents that affect us are the Central City Transportation Management Plan, the 2004 Regional Transportation Plan, and the Oregon Highway Plan.

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