goose hollow foothills league

Livability & Public Safety Committee


Committee Chair:  Susan Younie (email)

Mission Statement: To enhance the livability of the Goose Hollow neighborhood through organized communication and community involvement.

Report: (June 2012) NWNW Community Grants Committee awarded $1200 in December 2011 for graffiti abatement.  No meetings have yet been held but the Chair has done some preliminary planning for "sponsored corridors" and volunteer sign-ups. Randy Wyszynski remains the only member of the committee thus far and is looking for other members.


Neighborhood Cleanup -- There was a neighborhood cleanup event Saturday Sept. 22, 2012 from 9am to noon at Fred Meyer. More information here. This is a follow on to our recent "Spruce (up the) Goose" Event June 16, 2012. Please contact us if you wish to participate in future trash and graffiti clean-ups.

Graffiti Abatement Event: The Graffiti Abatement Launch and kick-off. Event occurred this past Saturday on 06/16/2012.  We had a good turnout for our first annual event.  Nearly 12 people showed up, including:

Board Members:

  • Bob Arkes – Market St.
  • Randy Wyszynski -Clay St.
  • Scott Schaffer
  • Mary Valeant

Other volunteers:

  • Jane (Mrs. Bob)
  • Tina W.
  • Kim Frazier (from Market St.)
  • Zander W.
  • Schaffer kids, Zadie and Price

All present donned vests and we divided and conquered to clean up the Hollow. We managed to hit the following locations: SW Taylor & Salmon Streets, between 18th -14th SW Jefferson 16th - 20th SW 18th SW Market between SW 18th - SW 17th SW Clay St. SW Columbia SW 14th - at the corners of SW Clay, Jefferson and SW Columbia.

Our teams may have been small, but the passion and power was MIGHTY!! This was just the beginning. Many people are interested in lending a hand to the continued project not just to clean the Goose, but to keep the Goose clean!! Several people have mentioned interest to "adopt a block," and their motivation is real and present.

Next steps:

1. THANK YOU'S to the following folks who donated ITEMS, time, space or food/beverage to the cause.

  • Coco Doughnuts
  • Starbucks
  • Jeld-Wen Field
  • The Pearl District Neighborhood Association all donated items to help us have a successful event. -- We will be sending thank you notes ASAP!!

2. We need to locate a space to store our tools - buckets, sanitizing cleaners, vests, scrapers, poles, etc.

  • It needs to be available to two people at all or odd hours or at least set hours -- or on short notice.
  • It will not take up more than a 10x5 foot space if there is adequate shelving
  • All of this is new territory, and we can house items for the short-term, (as we are, but mostly they are in my car) **So if there is no convenient place to store them, I can beg my buddy at the Fehrenbacher Hof.

Neighbors West-Northwest Logo Graffiti Abatement Links

TO CONTACT THE CITY: To report graffiti, problems with parks, plugged storm drains, broken street lights, or potholes, please contact the city at 503-823-3333.  The city also provides a phone app (iPhone & Android) that allows you to take and send a picture of the issue with geotagging to alert city personnel.

Neighborhood Police Officer: Mitchell Orellana (503-823-0076)

Community Liaison Officer: Hilary Scott (503-823-0097)

ONI Crime Prevention Program Manager: Jenni Bernheisel (503-823-4257)

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