goose hollow foothills league

Resources and Community Links

PortlandMaps Portland Maps - Type in an address to receive demographic data, crime stats, parks, schools, aerial photos, maps, elevation, etc.

TriMet Tri-met Transit - Plan your trip using Portland's many mass transit options.

Google Map of Goose Hollow - Explore the Goose Hollow neighborhood using Google's Street View images.

PDX Transportation Bureau Logo Zone A Parking Permits - Non-metered street parking in Goose Hollow required Zone A parking permits that are available for purchase by residents and businesses.

Solar Oregon Solarize Northwest - Participate with your neighbors to purchase solar electric equipment at 40% savings.

PortlandOnline Portland City Code - Curious about how Portland conducts zoning, set-backs, building regulations, and noise control? Find your answers here.

NeighborhoodInvolvement Office of Neighborhood Involvement - Curious about crime prevention, graffiti abatement, and events going on around your neighborhood? Find your answers here.

NWExaminer Northwest Examiner - Find your local news here.

SkyscraperForum Skyscraper Forum - Learn what people think about projects in and around your neighborhood.

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