goose hollow foothills league

Education URA Committee


Committee Chair: Scott Schaffer (email)

Mission Statement: The Education Urban Renewal Area (URA) Committee is committed to making sure that the recently proposed Education URA will positively influence Goose Hollow and help the neighborhood attain goals set forth in its Vision Statement.  To this end, the Committee will work with the city, with Portland Public Schools (PPS), and with the Portland Development Commission (PDC), and make recommendations to the Goose Hollow Foothills League (GHFL) on how best to influence the boundaries of the proposed URA and appropriate disposition of the funds generated by the URA.

Report: (January 2014)  The PDC has now announced the members of the newly-formed "Stewards Group" for the Education URA who will advise the PDC Board on spending the accumulated Education URA dollars.  Scott Schaffer, GHFL Board Member, has been named as one of the seven (7) members of the group.  Other members include: Dave Forman, Tonkon Torp LLC; James McGrath, CH2M Hill; Michael Harrison, Oregon Health Sciences University; Monica Rimai, Portland State University; David Wynde, Portland Public Schools; and Alex Yoder, CEO of Webtrends, Inc.

Geraldene Moyle ( will be managing the URA for PDC.  Meetings are expected to occur quarterly, but the final schedule has not yet been announced.  The PDC has recently formed a Central City Budget Advisory Committee (CCBAC) which is providing input for the entire Central City.  The function of the Stewards Group for the Education URA may be integrated into that new group.

The Education URA was approved by City Council on May 16, 2012 to include the Lincoln High School campus and several" air blocks" over 1405 between SW Columbia St. and Main.  The Goose Hollow neighborhood Board's support for the Education URA, and specifically for the capping of I405, was expressed in an April letter to the PDC.  We will continue to monitor the funds available for development in Goose Hollow and for highway caps, e.g. for use in funding a feasibility or engineering study, although available funds in the first few years through the Education URA will be minimal, with preliminary projections showing $150k for FY ‘13-14 and $250k for FY ’14-15.

 Education URA Map -- Goose Hollow Section



  • 10-Year Campus Plan (March 15, 2012)
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